“Written by Austin Kleon, ‘Show Your Work’ deserves a place in your home library or among your book collections. I think it’s one of those books that should be on your ‘must-read’ list if you have one.
Everything I’m sharing is my personal thoughts on this book, especially as someone who works in the creative space as a social media manager, content writer, video editor, and blogger.
However, this book is not limited to just women in the creative space but to women in all fields who want their work recognized, appreciated, and valued! It’s not enough to just create or ‘work,’ but it’s also very important to utilize necessary tools and mediums that allow you to show your process and your work.
So whether you’re a 9-5 mom working her way to the top or a stay-at-home mom looking at how to make the most of this season, every piece of work you do towards your growth is equally important and deserves to be seen and heard.
So here are 5 important takeaways from the book that I know would greatly benefit you:
Your work is like seeds:
Imagine planting a—leaves that need a lot of sunlight and, of course, water. This plant will thrive well in a well-lit environment or space, but if you cram it somewhere dark and dingy, would this plant bloom? Absolutely not, right? Now, this is a clear depiction of how our efforts are crippled when we don’t show our work. Showing your work is not bragging but a testament to your dedication and commitment, to your hard work and determination. It’s proof of what’s possible to others who are coming up the ladder, showing them that they too can do it.
Your work deserves to be seen:
Imposter syndrome can happen to anyone! In fact, even to the best of us. It’s something I’ve come to understand everyone deals with or has dealt with throughout their lives. Personally, I was able to work this out by building confidence in myself and shifting my mindset towards growth rather than focusing on those negative thoughts.
Show your process:
One group of creatives comes to mind as I write this, and I think they are the epitome of individuals who show their process, and the people I’m referring to are food bloggers and chefs. Think about it, you have probably watched your favorite online chef make a particular type of soup 10 ways. In a society that is often attracted to the pretty outcome and rarely pays attention to the behind-the-scenes or the amount of time that went into the creation, showing processes is important and validates the idea that good things take time.
Leverage digital platforms:
You’re reading this article on our blog and follow us on socials because of the accessibility of digital platforms that allow you to show off your work, services, products, projects, etc. I implore us moms to take advantage of these platforms, especially the free ones that can help our brands and businesses with visibility to reach thousands and millions of audiences and prospects around the world.
Never stop showing up:
Showing up is one of the hardest things to do. It’s much easier to be a bystander, watching others show up, creating, and promoting their work. And what’s more intriguing, but painful, is that the people you’re watching may not be as talented or resourceful as you, but guess what? It doesn’t matter because they are doing it regardless of their shortcomings. So what we learn from this is to be directors of our lives, to be driven, and most importantly, action-takers.
So much to take away from this book, right? And because all that you do deserves so much accolades and recognition, I leave you with this saying: “If you don’t show up, or talk about what you do, how will anyone know? Or even share your work, recommend or refer you, or even buy from you.”
Your work matters, You matter.
Books are such great gems, nourishing our minds with so much helpful knowledge and information to navigate life, and we hope to continue to explore them and bless you with the gift of their knowledge.
So find this book in your favorite offline or online bookstore and get reading!
Until our next book, stay happy.